snack pulley

Materials Needed:

  • a handful of small snacks

  • 6 paper towel rolls or wrapping paper roll cut into pieces

  • 3 straws

  • 3 empty ribbon spools

  • baker’s twine

  • small plastic cup or container

  • masking tape

  • scissors

  • pen or screwdriver to poke holes in cup


  1. Pulley Basket:

    • Take the plastic cup and poke two holes in it, directly across from each other. Tie the string at each hole, creating a handle. Cut a 1 1/2 yard piece of twine, and tie it to the center of the cup handle.

  2. Pulley supports:

    • Cut paper rolls into desired lengths.

    • Poke two holes into each end of a paper roll directly across from one another, about 1″ from the edge. Make sure the holes are large enough for a straw to fit through. Repeat with the remaining rolls.

    • Take two rolls of matching height. Feed a straw through both holes of one roll, then feed the straw through the hole of a ribbon spool and then through the second roll. Repeat with the other two sets of rolls.

    • Tape the bottoms of the paper towel rolls to a stable surface with masking tape. The rolls should be just narrower than a straw’s length apart. Then tape the next two pulleys.

  3. Feed the pulleys:

    • Pull twine over the first ribbon spool, under the second ribbon spool and over the third ribbon spool. Fill the basket with any snack you want and lift away!

  4. All done! Remember to submit videos or pictures of your final product by DMing them to the G3 Robotics Instagram account for a chance to be featured on our page!